DESIGN PROJECT: Spanish Industrial Kitchen “La Terraza Valenciana”


This project was the first Design project of the semester. Time goes flying and this subject, has shown me how much we can grow better and how you can become the greatest of them all when you are really interested.
Design V: Restaurants. There is so many things left to learn.

This is an interior project for the Restaurant “La terraza Valenciana” a Spanish Industrial Kitchen.
Our concept is Diversity and Tradition; and so we tried to express the grand variety on the Spanish gastronomy with the usage of their traditional Spanish Tiles, making various combinations all around the cooking area and the dressing room.
We used Quarry Tiles on the floor 15 x 15 cms all around the kitchen, and porcelain at the maintenance, dressing room and Master Chef’s office.
Also, a bare ceiling with industrial lighting and interior lamps.

On the gallery below, the project’s theoretical process… From Industrial Kitchen’s definition, to inspirational pictures. Complimented with the final project’s various elements.
Hope you enjoy.
Maria VL

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